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Coffee Preparation FAQs
What’s the best way to store coffee? How long will it stay fresh?
Once roasted, coffee begins to lose its flavor the longer it’s exposed to air and moisture. We recommend that you store it in an airtight container in a cool, dark place and grinding it just before brewing. Coffee in an unopened FlavorLock™ bag will stay fresh for several months.
What is a FlavorLock™ bag?
Our unique FlavorLock™ technology uses a special one-way valve that allows the carbon dioxide released by freshly roasted coffee beans to escape a sealed coffee bag without allowing flavor-robbing oxygen to get in. All Starbucks coffee is sealed in our airtight FlavorLock™ bags within two hours of roasting so that it stays fresh until you’re ready to use it.
What kind of grind should I use?
For the freshest tasting coffee, we continue to recommend starting with whole beans and grinding them fresh for each pot. Or, if you prefer, you can take your whole bean coffee to your local retail store and ask them for a customized grind.
Drip makers perform best with a grind specifically for a flat bottom or cone type filter. All Starbucks stores can grind coffee to this specification. Espresso machines are grind-sensitive and require a very fine grind, 30-35 seconds in a blade grinder. Slow and fast shots are often caused by a grind that is too fine or too coarse, frozen or refrigerated espresso beans and tamping coffee too hard or not firmly enough.
Coffee Preparation FAQs
What’s the best way to store coffee? How long will it stay fresh?
Once roasted, coffee begins to lose its flavor the longer it’s exposed to air and moisture. We recommend that you store it in an airtight container in a cool, dark place and grinding it just before brewing. Coffee in an unopened FlavorLock™ bag will stay fresh for several months.
What is a FlavorLock™ bag?
Our unique FlavorLock™ technology uses a special one-way valve that allows the carbon dioxide released by freshly roasted coffee beans to escape a sealed coffee bag without allowing flavor-robbing oxygen to get in. All Starbucks coffee is sealed in our airtight FlavorLock™ bags within two hours of roasting so that it stays fresh until you’re ready to use it.
What kind of grind should I use?
For the freshest tasting coffee, we continue to recommend starting with whole beans and grinding them fresh for each pot. Or, if you prefer, you can take your whole bean coffee to your local retail store and ask them for a customized grind.
Drip makers perform best with a grind specifically for a flat bottom or cone type filter. All Starbucks stores can grind coffee to this specification. Espresso machines are grind-sensitive and require a very fine grind, 30-35 seconds in a blade grinder. Slow and fast shots are often caused by a grind that is too fine or too coarse, frozen or refrigerated espresso beans and tamping coffee too hard or not firmly enough.



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於 App Store或 Google Play下載最新版本的香港星巴克手機程式。

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Coffee Preparation FAQs
What’s the best way to store coffee? How long will it stay fresh?
Once roasted, coffee begins to lose its flavor the longer it’s exposed to air and moisture. We recommend that you store it in an airtight container in a cool, dark place and grinding it just before brewing. Coffee in an unopened FlavorLock™ bag will stay fresh for several months.
What is a FlavorLock™ bag?
Our unique FlavorLock™ technology uses a special one-way valve that allows the carbon dioxide released by freshly roasted coffee beans to escape a sealed coffee bag without allowing flavor-robbing oxygen to get in. All Starbucks coffee is sealed in our airtight FlavorLock™ bags within two hours of roasting so that it stays fresh until you’re ready to use it.
What kind of grind should I use?
For the freshest tasting coffee, we continue to recommend starting with whole beans and grinding them fresh for each pot. Or, if you prefer, you can take your whole bean coffee to your local retail store and ask them for a customized grind.
Drip makers perform best with a grind specifically for a flat bottom or cone type filter. All Starbucks stores can grind coffee to this specification. Espresso machines are grind-sensitive and require a very fine grind, 30-35 seconds in a blade grinder. Slow and fast shots are often caused by a grind that is too fine or too coarse, frozen or refrigerated espresso beans and tamping coffee too hard or not firmly enough.
Coffee Preparation FAQs
What’s the best way to store coffee? How long will it stay fresh?
Once roasted, coffee begins to lose its flavor the longer it’s exposed to air and moisture. We recommend that you store it in an airtight container in a cool, dark place and grinding it just before brewing. Coffee in an unopened FlavorLock™ bag will stay fresh for several months.
What is a FlavorLock™ bag?
Our unique FlavorLock™ technology uses a special one-way valve that allows the carbon dioxide released by freshly roasted coffee beans to escape a sealed coffee bag without allowing flavor-robbing oxygen to get in. All Starbucks coffee is sealed in our airtight FlavorLock™ bags within two hours of roasting so that it stays fresh until you’re ready to use it.
What kind of grind should I use?
For the freshest tasting coffee, we continue to recommend starting with whole beans and grinding them fresh for each pot. Or, if you prefer, you can take your whole bean coffee to your local retail store and ask them for a customized grind.
Drip makers perform best with a grind specifically for a flat bottom or cone type filter. All Starbucks stores can grind coffee to this specification. Espresso machines are grind-sensitive and require a very fine grind, 30-35 seconds in a blade grinder. Slow and fast shots are often caused by a grind that is too fine or too coarse, frozen or refrigerated espresso beans and tamping coffee too hard or not firmly enough.
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東涌 ∙ 青衣 ∙ 葵涌∙ 荃灣 ∙ 天水圍 ∙ 屯門 ∙ 元朗 ∙ 粉嶺 ∙上水 ∙ 將軍澳 ∙ 沙田 ∙ 火炭 ∙ 馬鞍山 ∙ 大埔
Starbucks Rewards™會員亦可憑星星送之消費賺取星星,累積的星星越多,獎賞便越豐厚。還未成為會員? 立即前往任何一間香港星巴克分店購買並註冊星巴克卡,加入 Starbucks Rewards™獎賞計劃,開展你的星星旅程!
輕輕鬆 星星送
中環 ∙上環 ∙ 金鐘 ∙ 堅尼地城 ∙ 銅鑼灣 ∙ 跑馬地 ∙ 天后 ∙ 炮台山 ∙ 太古 ∙ 小西灣 ∙ 柴灣 ∙ 薄扶林 ∙ 鴨脷洲
何文田 ∙ 九龍塘∙ 紅磡 ∙ 藍田 ∙ 觀塘 ∙ 九龍灣 ∙ 荔枝角 ∙ 南昌 ∙ 鑽石山 ∙ 黃大仙 ∙ 新蒲崗 ∙ 柯士甸 ∙ 奧運 ∙ 尖沙咀 ∙ 旺角 ∙ 油麻地
東涌 ∙ 青衣 ∙ 葵涌∙ 荃灣 ∙ 天水圍 ∙ 屯門 ∙ 元朗 ∙ 粉嶺 ∙上水 ∙ 將軍澳 ∙ 沙田 ∙ 火炭 ∙ 馬鞍山 ∙ 大埔
*每間分店的服務範圍有限,而部分地區會因應分店之營業時間而提早結束服務,敬請留意。如有疑問,歡迎致電2613-3488 (辦公時間為每日早上8時至晚上時) 與我們的顧客服務專員聯絡。
Starbucks® Rewards會員可憑星星送之消費賺取星星,累積的星星越多,獎賞便越豐厚。還未成為會員? 立即前往任何一間香港星巴克分店購買並註冊星巴克卡,加入 Starbucks® Rewards獎賞計劃,開展你的星星旅程!

Coffee Preparation FAQs
What’s the best way to store coffee? How long will it stay fresh?
Once roasted, coffee begins to lose its flavor the longer it’s exposed to air and moisture. We recommend that you store it in an airtight container in a cool, dark place and grinding it just before brewing. Coffee in an unopened FlavorLock™ bag will stay fresh for several months.
What is a FlavorLock™ bag?
Our unique FlavorLock™ technology uses a special one-way valve that allows the carbon dioxide released by freshly roasted coffee beans to escape a sealed coffee bag without allowing flavor-robbing oxygen to get in. All Starbucks coffee is sealed in our airtight FlavorLock™ bags within two hours of roasting so that it stays fresh until you’re ready to use it.
What kind of grind should I use?
For the freshest tasting coffee, we continue to recommend starting with whole beans and grinding them fresh for each pot. Or, if you prefer, you can take your whole bean coffee to your local retail store and ask them for a customized grind.
Drip makers perform best with a grind specifically for a flat bottom or cone type filter. All Starbucks stores can grind coffee to this specification. Espresso machines are grind-sensitive and require a very fine grind, 30-35 seconds in a blade grinder. Slow and fast shots are often caused by a grind that is too fine or too coarse, frozen or refrigerated espresso beans and tamping coffee too hard or not firmly enough.
Coffee Preparation FAQs
What’s the best way to store coffee? How long will it stay fresh?
Once roasted, coffee begins to lose its flavor the longer it’s exposed to air and moisture. We recommend that you store it in an airtight container in a cool, dark place and grinding it just before brewing. Coffee in an unopened FlavorLock™ bag will stay fresh for several months.
What is a FlavorLock™ bag?
Our unique FlavorLock™ technology uses a special one-way valve that allows the carbon dioxide released by freshly roasted coffee beans to escape a sealed coffee bag without allowing flavor-robbing oxygen to get in. All Starbucks coffee is sealed in our airtight FlavorLock™ bags within two hours of roasting so that it stays fresh until you’re ready to use it.
What kind of grind should I use?
For the freshest tasting coffee, we continue to recommend starting with whole beans and grinding them fresh for each pot. Or, if you prefer, you can take your whole bean coffee to your local retail store and ask them for a customized grind.
Drip makers perform best with a grind specifically for a flat bottom or cone type filter. All Starbucks stores can grind coffee to this specification. Espresso machines are grind-sensitive and require a very fine grind, 30-35 seconds in a blade grinder. Slow and fast shots are often caused by a grind that is too fine or too coarse, frozen or refrigerated espresso beans and tamping coffee too hard or not firmly enough.