全面更新Starbucks Rewards手機應用程式10月6日新登場!

- Starbucks Rewards™會員可以透過新增的錢包(Wallet) 功能同時檢視星巴克卡結餘、交易紀錄及獎賞詳情
- 使用快速訂購(Quick Order)功能更迅速下單選購飲品
- 新增的星巴克推介(Recommended for you)功能為會員帶來更方便、更個人化的用戶體驗
- 使用PayMe為星巴克卡增值
如會員已經在手機設置選項中把星巴克手機應用程式設定至自動更新, 舊版本的手機應用程式將會自動更新,而會員無須到APP Store手動更新。
如會員沒有把星巴克手機應用程式設定至自動更新,會員請於10月6日到APP Store,手動更新應用程式。
全面更新Starbucks Rewards手機應用程式10月6日新登場!
- Starbucks Rewards™會員可以透過新增的錢包(Wallet) 功能同時檢視星巴克卡結餘、交易紀錄及獎賞詳情
- 使用快速訂購(Quick Order)功能更迅速下單選購飲品
- 新增的星巴克推介(Recommended for you)功能為會員帶來更方便、更個人化的用戶體驗
- 使用PayMe為星巴克卡增值
如會員已經在手機設置選項中把星巴克手機應用程式設定至自動更新, 舊版本的手機應用程式將會自動更新,而會員無須到APP Store手動更新。
如會員沒有把星巴克手機應用程式設定至自動更新,會員請於10月6日到APP Store,手動更新應用程式。

Coffee Preparation FAQs
What’s the best way to store coffee? How long will it stay fresh?
Once roasted, coffee begins to lose its flavor the longer it’s exposed to air and moisture. We recommend that you store it in an airtight container in a cool, dark place and grinding it just before brewing. Coffee in an unopened FlavorLock™ bag will stay fresh for several months.
What is a FlavorLock™ bag?
Our unique FlavorLock™ technology uses a special one-way valve that allows the carbon dioxide released by freshly roasted coffee beans to escape a sealed coffee bag without allowing flavor-robbing oxygen to get in. All Starbucks coffee is sealed in our airtight FlavorLock™ bags within two hours of roasting so that it stays fresh until you’re ready to use it.
What kind of grind should I use?
For the freshest tasting coffee, we continue to recommend starting with whole beans and grinding them fresh for each pot. Or, if you prefer, you can take your whole bean coffee to your local retail store and ask them for a customized grind.
Drip makers perform best with a grind specifically for a flat bottom or cone type filter. All Starbucks stores can grind coffee to this specification. Espresso machines are grind-sensitive and require a very fine grind, 30-35 seconds in a blade grinder. Slow and fast shots are often caused by a grind that is too fine or too coarse, frozen or refrigerated espresso beans and tamping coffee too hard or not firmly enough.
Coffee Preparation FAQs
What’s the best way to store coffee? How long will it stay fresh?
Once roasted, coffee begins to lose its flavor the longer it’s exposed to air and moisture. We recommend that you store it in an airtight container in a cool, dark place and grinding it just before brewing. Coffee in an unopened FlavorLock™ bag will stay fresh for several months.
What is a FlavorLock™ bag?
Our unique FlavorLock™ technology uses a special one-way valve that allows the carbon dioxide released by freshly roasted coffee beans to escape a sealed coffee bag without allowing flavor-robbing oxygen to get in. All Starbucks coffee is sealed in our airtight FlavorLock™ bags within two hours of roasting so that it stays fresh until you’re ready to use it.
What kind of grind should I use?
For the freshest tasting coffee, we continue to recommend starting with whole beans and grinding them fresh for each pot. Or, if you prefer, you can take your whole bean coffee to your local retail store and ask them for a customized grind.
Drip makers perform best with a grind specifically for a flat bottom or cone type filter. All Starbucks stores can grind coffee to this specification. Espresso machines are grind-sensitive and require a very fine grind, 30-35 seconds in a blade grinder. Slow and fast shots are often caused by a grind that is too fine or too coarse, frozen or refrigerated espresso beans and tamping coffee too hard or not firmly enough.





Coffee Preparation FAQs
What’s the best way to store coffee? How long will it stay fresh?
Once roasted, coffee begins to lose its flavor the longer it’s exposed to air and moisture. We recommend that you store it in an airtight container in a cool, dark place and grinding it just before brewing. Coffee in an unopened FlavorLock™ bag will stay fresh for several months.
What is a FlavorLock™ bag?
Our unique FlavorLock™ technology uses a special one-way valve that allows the carbon dioxide released by freshly roasted coffee beans to escape a sealed coffee bag without allowing flavor-robbing oxygen to get in. All Starbucks coffee is sealed in our airtight FlavorLock™ bags within two hours of roasting so that it stays fresh until you’re ready to use it.
What kind of grind should I use?
For the freshest tasting coffee, we continue to recommend starting with whole beans and grinding them fresh for each pot. Or, if you prefer, you can take your whole bean coffee to your local retail store and ask them for a customized grind.
Drip makers perform best with a grind specifically for a flat bottom or cone type filter. All Starbucks stores can grind coffee to this specification. Espresso machines are grind-sensitive and require a very fine grind, 30-35 seconds in a blade grinder. Slow and fast shots are often caused by a grind that is too fine or too coarse, frozen or refrigerated espresso beans and tamping coffee too hard or not firmly enough.
Coffee Preparation FAQs
What’s the best way to store coffee? How long will it stay fresh?
Once roasted, coffee begins to lose its flavor the longer it’s exposed to air and moisture. We recommend that you store it in an airtight container in a cool, dark place and grinding it just before brewing. Coffee in an unopened FlavorLock™ bag will stay fresh for several months.
What is a FlavorLock™ bag?
Our unique FlavorLock™ technology uses a special one-way valve that allows the carbon dioxide released by freshly roasted coffee beans to escape a sealed coffee bag without allowing flavor-robbing oxygen to get in. All Starbucks coffee is sealed in our airtight FlavorLock™ bags within two hours of roasting so that it stays fresh until you’re ready to use it.
What kind of grind should I use?
For the freshest tasting coffee, we continue to recommend starting with whole beans and grinding them fresh for each pot. Or, if you prefer, you can take your whole bean coffee to your local retail store and ask them for a customized grind.
Drip makers perform best with a grind specifically for a flat bottom or cone type filter. All Starbucks stores can grind coffee to this specification. Espresso machines are grind-sensitive and require a very fine grind, 30-35 seconds in a blade grinder. Slow and fast shots are often caused by a grind that is too fine or too coarse, frozen or refrigerated espresso beans and tamping coffee too hard or not firmly enough.