使用滴漏咖啡壺的咖啡迷最好選用專門適用於平底或錐型濾杯的研磨方式。所有星巴克分店均能提供此規格的咖啡研磨服務。特濃咖啡機對於研磨方式較為敏感,因此需要以刀片型研磨機進行 30-35 秒的高度細研磨。如果沖調出來的咖啡味道過淡或過於苦澀,通常是由於研磨顆粒太細或太粗,將特濃咖啡豆以冷凍或冷藏方式保存,或按壓咖啡粉的力道過大或不足所造成。
咖啡在經過烘培之後,將會隨著暴露在’空氣和水分中的時間不斷增加,而逐漸失去風味。建議您將咖啡保存在密封容器中,並放置在陰涼處,等到要沖調咖啡之前才磨豆。儲存在 FlavorLock™ 包裝袋中的咖啡可保鮮長達數個月。
什麼是 FlavorLock™ 包裝袋?
星巴克獨家研發的 FlavorLock™ 技術採用特殊的單向活塞,能讓新鮮烘焙咖啡豆排放的二氧化碳從密封袋中釋放,並阻止導致咖啡香味消失的氧氣進入袋內。所有星巴克咖啡豆均會在烘培後的兩小時內裝入密閉的 FlavorLock™ 包裝袋中,以便在拆封之前保持新鮮。’
咖啡在經過烘培之後,將會隨著暴露在’空氣和水分中的時間不斷增加,而逐漸失去風味。建議您將咖啡保存在密封容器中,並放置在陰涼處,等到要沖調咖啡之前才磨豆。儲存在 FlavorLock™ 包裝袋中的咖啡可保鮮長達數個月。
什麼是 FlavorLock™ 包裝袋?
星巴克獨家研發的 FlavorLock™ 技術採用特殊的單向活塞,能讓新鮮烘焙咖啡豆排放的二氧化碳從密封袋中釋放,並阻止導致咖啡香味消失的氧氣進入袋內。所有星巴克咖啡豆均會在烘培後的兩小時內裝入密閉的 FlavorLock™ 包裝袋中,以便在拆封之前保持新鮮。’
使用滴漏咖啡壺的咖啡迷最好選用專門適用於平底或錐型濾杯的研磨方式。所有星巴克分店均能提供此規格的咖啡研磨服務。特濃咖啡機對於研磨方式較為敏感,因此需要以刀片型研磨機進行 30-35 秒的高度細研磨。如果沖調出來的咖啡味道過淡或過於苦澀,通常是由於研磨顆粒太細或太粗,將特濃咖啡豆以冷凍或冷藏方式保存,或按壓咖啡粉的力道過大或不足所造成。
Coffee Preparation FAQs
What’s the best way to store coffee? How long will it stay fresh?
Once roasted, coffee begins to lose its flavor the longer it’s exposed to air and moisture. We recommend that you store it in an airtight container in a cool, dark place and grinding it just before brewing. Coffee in an unopened FlavorLock™ bag will stay fresh for several months.
What is a FlavorLock™ bag?
Our unique FlavorLock™ technology uses a special one-way valve that allows the carbon dioxide released by freshly roasted coffee beans to escape a sealed coffee bag without allowing flavor-robbing oxygen to get in. All Starbucks coffee is sealed in our airtight FlavorLock™ bags within two hours of roasting so that it stays fresh until you’re ready to use it.
What kind of grind should I use?
For the freshest tasting coffee, we continue to recommend starting with whole beans and grinding them fresh for each pot. Or, if you prefer, you can take your whole bean coffee to your local retail store and ask them for a customized grind.
Drip makers perform best with a grind specifically for a flat bottom or cone type filter. All Starbucks stores can grind coffee to this specification. Espresso machines are grind-sensitive and require a very fine grind, 30-35 seconds in a blade grinder. Slow and fast shots are often caused by a grind that is too fine or too coarse, frozen or refrigerated espresso beans and tamping coffee too hard or not firmly enough.
Coffee Preparation FAQs
What’s the best way to store coffee? How long will it stay fresh?
Once roasted, coffee begins to lose its flavor the longer it’s exposed to air and moisture. We recommend that you store it in an airtight container in a cool, dark place and grinding it just before brewing. Coffee in an unopened FlavorLock™ bag will stay fresh for several months.
What is a FlavorLock™ bag?
Our unique FlavorLock™ technology uses a special one-way valve that allows the carbon dioxide released by freshly roasted coffee beans to escape a sealed coffee bag without allowing flavor-robbing oxygen to get in. All Starbucks coffee is sealed in our airtight FlavorLock™ bags within two hours of roasting so that it stays fresh until you’re ready to use it.
What kind of grind should I use?
For the freshest tasting coffee, we continue to recommend starting with whole beans and grinding them fresh for each pot. Or, if you prefer, you can take your whole bean coffee to your local retail store and ask them for a customized grind.
Drip makers perform best with a grind specifically for a flat bottom or cone type filter. All Starbucks stores can grind coffee to this specification. Espresso machines are grind-sensitive and require a very fine grind, 30-35 seconds in a blade grinder. Slow and fast shots are often caused by a grind that is too fine or too coarse, frozen or refrigerated espresso beans and tamping coffee too hard or not firmly enough.